From Chasing to Attracting Love:
A Self-Love Blueprint

A 28 Day journey to Grow your Your Confidence, Value and Self-Love and Create Healthier Love in Your Life

If you’re anything like me I’ll bet you keep chasing after love, hoping it’ll come your way.

That’s something I really used to hurt from in my past. I wanted to be loved so desperately and yet I kept finding myself in relationships that weren’t working out, and leaving me worse than before.

And I know you’re hurting from it too.

Here are some things you’re likely experiencing that most of my clients have been through:

You chase love constantly. And it keeps running away from you.

You’re a GIVER. You give and give but you don’t get enough coming your way.

You dive into relationships too soon hoping they will be your everything, but they don’t work out and they leave you feeling wounded and alone.

You have a strong fear of not being chosen, and so you try and hold onto partners hoping that will get them to stay.

You put everybody else’s needs above your own, but it always leaves you feeling used, burnt out and frustrated.

You want to have loving relationships, but you keep attracting emotionally unavailable partners, or painful relationships.

You’re an EMPATH, and you feel everybody else’s problems and want to help them but you don’t have enough love for yourself.

You get triggered, you take your partners actions personally, and then you break down

Well Here’s the truth about you..


Everything that I’ve talked about here, all the actions, the behaviors, the beliefs.. They are all a result of painful experiences from your past that have left their scars on you.

Unhealed wounds that have left hurtful beliefs along with low self worth THAT AREN’T REALLY YOURS. 

You just adapted in order to SURVIVE the environments that couldn’t give you what you needed. Your nervous system got dysregulated

from the pain and the rejection, your sense of peace and confidence were hammered from you not receiving the love you needed.

That older version of you helped you survive but it doesn’t help you THRIVE.



That thriving you is magical. You know this because when you FEEL love, you FEEL ALIVE. You feel confident, strong, capable, free.

Now you need to honor that version of you again so that love comes to YOU ❤️

That’s why I created:

From Chasing to Attracting Love:
A Self-Love Blueprint

This is a powerful 4 week online program designed to teach you what you need to attract love into your life.  

YOU are what creates the life you have, and this program teaches you to be the powerful, loving, confident center of your life. To heal old wounds and build a value that brings the love to you instead of you chasing it. When you’re like that, you’re on top of the world. You are loved, valuable, joyful, FEARLESS. That’s where you deserve to be.

We specialize in self-love and empowerment work, and this program has the 8 essential steps you NEED in order to feel loveable again, and let love and joy come to you WITHOUT CHASING it :

  • Repairing and REtraining your nervous system

  • Working on my proven “TRIGGER FORMULA” to break down your triggers

  • Learning to build SECURE attachments

  • Taking back control of your life and putting a stop to INTERNALISATION

  • Empowering yourself with emotional independence

  • Growing your internal value and draw BOUNDARIES to protect and maintain it

  • Recreating your idea of “Healthy Love” and relationships

  • Healing old wounds that have left their scars on your heart

“A beautiful journey in loving yourself deeply”

You’re not in this program to “learn”. This isn’t school. You’re in this program to GROW AND EMBODY. 

To BE the version of you that is JOYFUL, PLAYFUL, CONFIDENT, and to let the life around you reflect that back to you.

No more Chasing. No.

Now, LOVE comes to you.

Self Love Blueprint: From Chasing to Attracting Love Infographic

Here’s What you will experience in this program to become the version YOU LOVE:

  • Understand where your patterns come from: Together, we'll explore the depths of your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. This journey of self-discovery will empower you to identify and manage your emotional triggers. With this profound understanding, you'll be equipped to avoid falling back into those old, hurtful patterns.

  • Master Your Emotions: You’ll learn practical tools and techniques to effectively handle stress, anxiety, and other challenging emotions. You'll feel more in control and feel balanced, and won’t take other people’s actions personally.

  • Embrace Your Inner Strength: Together, we’ll rebuild your confidence and self-esteem. You’re not alone in this journey; I'm here to help you see your true worth and overcome the shadows of self-doubt that heartbreak brings.

  • Create Better Relationships: Let’s enhance your communication skills and establish boundaries that protect your heart. I’ll guide you in forming deeper, more meaningful relationships that respect your emotions and space.

  • Thrive with higher self love: It’s time to focus on you. We will set goals together that honor your feelings, find your unique purpose, and create a life that feels fulfilling and true to who you are.

  • Break old repeating patterns: We’ll dive deep into the emotional patterns that lead to pain and explore new beliefs and tools that can set you free. Understanding these cycles is the first step in preventing them from repeating.

  • Practical Tools for Daily Life: you will be provided with personalized exercises, journaling prompts, and soothing meditations that fit seamlessly into your daily life, helping you to heal at your own pace.

  • Join a Supportive Community: Connect with others who truly understand what you’re going through. Share your stories of heartbreak and recovery, and find comfort in our supportive community that stands with you every step of the way.

You may be wondering

“What’s the difference between this and the other healing programs out there??”

Well I’ve tried many, and let me tell you that these are some of the most powerful healing tools that will finally help you bring love into your life

  • Nervous system regulation and repairing

    When you’ve gone through heartbreak, your nervous system can become overwhelmed with fears and anxiety, making it hard to find peace within yourself. By learning to regulate your nervous system, you can calm those intense feelings, heal past fears and create a sense of safety and stability in your body. This regulation helps you to gently soothe the emotional turmoil, allowing you to reconnect with your inner self.

  • Deep healing meditations

    Deep meditation can help you attract healthier love by boosting your self-awareness and emotional stability. Each time you do these healing meditations they heal old scars and wounds in your mind and in your heart. This makes you more capable of your needs and better at managing your emotions, leading to more balanced and fulfilling relationships. Plus, it increases your empathy and confidence, making you more approachable and better at connecting with others on a deeper level.

  • Inner Child Healing

    Healing your inner child can help you attract a better partner and break old patterns by allowing you to address and resolve deep-seated emotional wounds from your past. This healing process helps you understand and overcome behaviors that no longer serve you, making space for healthier relationship dynamics. As you become more aligned with your true self, you naturally attract partners who resonate with your authenticity and emotional maturity.

  • Co-regulation and supportive healing

    Co-regulation is a beautiful process where people come together to create a sense of calm and safety.  It helps you create a healthier self-love by providing a supportive emotional environment where you feel understood and valued. The environment is one of the most essential elements to healing past pains and traumas. This creates a space where you feel accepted and NOT rejected, allowing your defense mechanisms, your fears and old truths to break down.

A sneak peak into the 4 week journey :


Where your pain begins, a DEEP DIVE into the Nervous System

Understanding your nervous system is crucial for pinpointing the roots of your emotional pain. This is the START of your journey in breaking old painful relationship patterns. In this stage, you will understand how your body and mind get triggered and react to fears and pain, and where you get stuck in patterns of attachment, self sabotage, breaking down etc

Here you will also recognise what your TRUE fears really are, and finally understand how to start healing them and letting go.


Taking back control of your life (Gaining back your SELF-ESTEEM and confidence)

In this week we dive deep into the TRIGGERS that set you off. Triggers are the “Set-off” points that bring about deep and heavy emotional reactions which make you lose control of your life. Often these triggers are angering, shaming, invalidating and ALWAYS bring up a previous fear.

You will learn to work with our Master Trigger Formula, a proven set of coping strategies to break down the triggers that keep sabotaging your life and relationships. 

You will also learn how to put a stop to INTERNALISATION - a trait of the mind where it takes somebody else’s actions personally, to mean something about you and your value. This is where empaths especially benefit from the healing work, protecting themselves from absorbing external harmful energy.


Creating Healthier Relationships

In this week you truly understand how to create healthier relationships with: 

  • Yourself most importantly

  • With the kind of people you want to form romantic relationships with

When you truly learn to love yourself, something magical happens—you start to see your worth and treat yourself with the kindness and respect you deserve. This self-love becomes a beacon, shining brightly and attracting people who recognize and appreciate your value.

You will learn to truly create  “Secure attachments” by growing the relationship with yourself and your needs, and only allowing people into your life who can respect and meet your needs too.


Being the Love you always wanted (Breaking the Pattern)

This is the deepest of the 4 weeks where we touch on the powerful subject of “CORE WOUNDS”.

Core wounds are deep, foundational emotional injuries that originate from traumatic experiences or significant emotional neglect during early life. Wounds like abandonment, rejection, invalidation, betrayal etc.

These wounds are what creates the real dysfunction in our relationships, and addressing and healing these wounds is crucial for personal growth and healthy relationships, as they often serve as underlying drivers for the pain we have.

This is where you truly learn to BE the love you’ve always wanted, and therefore to attract the people around you that really see , believe, and show up for that.

If you know me, I’m a Giver. So I want to give you even more support to help you stop chasing love and instead to bring it to you. Here’s what else you get with this Self Love Blueprint:

A Self-Paced Workbook with specialized journaling prompts.

Understanding your nervous system is crucial for pinpointing the roots of your emotional pain. This is the START of your journey in breaking old painful relationship patterns. In this stage, you will understand how your body and mind get triggered and react to fears and pain, and where you get stuck in patterns of attachment, self sabotage, breaking down etc. Here you will also recognise what your TRUE fears really are, and finally understand how to start healing them and letting go.

1 Month Free Access to The Pilgrimage : My premium membership for additional support and healing.

One of the most important elements of the healing journey is “practice”. So to make sure you get the most out of this experience, I’m giving you 1 month FREE access to my premium membership community, where you get to practice this deep work with live calls that I facilitate, with accountability partners, and a community that continuously moves forward together.

This community is like no other - it’s a space where we practice monthly challenges, we have deep healing conversations, and we practice all of the inner work we’ve learned in Theinneryats programs. You also get access to the coaches and their powerful guidance through our “laser-focussed coaching”. This space gives you the encouragement, the love, the accountability, the support you keep fulfilling your cup of love, and attracting love to you.

Take a look at some of the REAL SHARES of the participants in this powerful healing space : (names have been blocked out intentionally)

Accountability Partners

Most people say when they do inner work they go two steps forward and one step back all the time. Consistency, discipline are always lacking.That can be painful and make you feel like you’re not growing enough. To be able to take away that challenge, in this program we assign you  “accountability partners” .

A companion on the journey with whom you get to discuss the work, keep accountability and keep pushing and nurturing each other to keep your highest growth and have love come to you.

A 28 day Self Love Affirmation Journal

This daily affirmation journal is like a trusted friend who reminds you of your worth and potential every single day. It helps you start each morning with positive intentions, setting the tone for your day. When you write down affirmations, you’re actively reshaping your mindset, focusing on your strengths and the good things in your life.

For 28 days, this daily practice boosts your self-esteem, keeps your goals in sight, and helps you stay resilient through challenges. It’s a powerful tool for building a more positive, self-loving, and empowered version of yourself. This is a key supporting component in you bringing love to you instead of you running out there to chase it.

What your journey will look like :


As soon as you are done signing up, you will be added to a COMMUNITY PLATFORM. You will see multiple channels on here for interactions, shares, questions. This is your HOME, for the duration of the program. Get comfortable , open up, and watch the magic of your journey begin to unfold. Here’s an example :


You will receive the access to your first VIDEO MODULE : “Where the Pain begins, a deep dive into the Nervous System”

Use your workbook to study alongside your video module to get the best out of your journey. Each week, one more week’s video modules will be opened up to you through your platform.



On TWO thursdays in a month at 8pm EST we will be practicing the healing work you’re learning, together in our live calls. Here you will be doing live meditations with Yats or Kristina, breaking down your stories, and have huge takeaways. On these calls you will also be assigned your oath buddy (accountability partner), your additional homework and supporting material.

Make sure to check the live call dates and details and put them into your calendar!



The monthly challenges are the best way to keep on track with the growth and work those muscles of self love and healing. Monthly challenges are free while you are a member of the Pilgrimage membership.Currently we are working on a 30-day Challenge within the membership community that has already seen such a tremendous amount of growth for all our participants : 



You can receive ‘laser-focused coaching’ from me regarding any individual difficulty or challenges you’re going through each week by posting them into the “Questions” channel. I will post videos supporting you and what you’re going through and there will also be bonus LIVE Q+A sessions occasionally.


You will also get:

  • Self-Paced Workbook with Specialized Journaling Prompts

  • 1 Month Free Access to The Pilgrimage

  • Accountability Partners

  • 28 Day Self Love Affirmation Journal


$ 695

One time payment


$ 375

2 payments billed monthly

PLUS, use your self-love investment toward special access to our one-of-a-kind
flagship program,

Want more self-love education for your soul?

When you sign up for my Self-Love Blueprint, you can double your $695 investment with a dollar-for-dollar discount* to our 8-week immersive healing program, The Gauntlet.

This companion program was designed to help you break free from past patterns, heal core wounds, and build up your self-worth and emotional freedom.

You'll also gain the tools and support you need to create healthy, fulfilling relationships and a life filled with authenticity and confidence!

So, what are you waiting for?

*Discount offer available up to two months after purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

How IS this different from the $17 workshop?

In the “From Chasing to Attracting Love” program, we dive deep into DOING the work of healing : with workbooks, in depth teaching, 4 weeks of video tutorials, SPECIFIC modules required for healing and moving from chasing, to attracting love. These 28 days provide an increase in self confidence, self worth, and self love that makes one more attractive to life and to the love they want.

The Release and Heal workshop is an introductory opportunity to the inner work. It is a 2 day experience with the chance to become familiar with what’s required for the healing journey.

I’m not actively seeking a relationship. Is this still for me?

Even more so.

This program is subtitled a “self love blueprint”, because the key relationship we teach you to build here is the one with yourself. This workshop is designed to help you beat your anxiety, fears, depression and to find love and value within yourself . Whether you’re seeking love or not it is important to be the version of you that you love with peace, joy and happiness in your life. Then you will attract whatever you need, to support that verison.

What is the time commitment required to do this program?

We recommend a minimum of 2 hours a week to be able to see healthy results. However, you are welcome to put in more time, and students that put in more time always see more ideal results.

What can I expect to achieve by the end of this program?

By the end of your 4 week journey, you will experience an increase in self confidence, self worth, and self love that makes you more attractive to the partners you want. You will have more self awareness, understand how to break down your triggers, and how to create what’s needed for a healthier relationship.

As you continue the journey, you will see for yourself that you are able to make stronger choices to support yourself, and that your desire to repeat older patterns becomes less potent (as long as you stay committed to the work)

You will feel less alone, and a lot more supported, as long as you participate in the community.

Can I do this from any time zone?

Absolutely. This is a self-paced online program that you can do at any hour that suits you. You can tap in when you like and tap out as you feel, as long as you’re doing the work. And in the live membership as long as you have access, you can watch all of the previous live recordings for further growth and practice.

I am quite busy right now and am not sure this is the right time for me to embark on this journey.

This self-love blueprint is ideal if you are busy as all of the modules are self-paced and you will get lifetime access. You can take two or three weeks to go through each module if that fits best in your current lifestyle. Right now we are also offering an introductory price which could go up in the future.

My recommendation is to get started as I’ve noticed if you don’t take the action now, the issues you’re facing will just become bigger and challenge your life more.

Will this help me with my current relationships?

Absolutely. THis program is to teach you to create more love within yourself, which will naturally evolve all elements of your life and your relationships. You can only go in one direction when you do this work right - to have more authentic love.

Do I get to practice this work live?

Yes. With your program, you get 1 month access to “The Pilgrimage” membership, with live calls on TWO thursdays in a month. This is your space to practice this work APART from the accountability partners assigned through the live call.

My finances are tight. I don’t know if this is the right time to invest in this for me..

This is probably the BEST time to invest in this work. Right now we are offering this program at an introductory price of $495 which later could go up. You even have the option of a payment plan to put just the first payment down now and the rest a month later.

I’m not sure if I should do the “From chasing to attracting Love” program or “The Gauntlet” program

The Gauntlet is a powerful healing inner work program that requires you to dive real deep into reprogramming your subconscious mind, healing your inner child and breaking your patterns. It is an 8 week journey with 3 live sessions per week.

If you have the time capability and the desire I would recommend diving into that because that has been rated as an extremely successful program in healing.

If you’re unsure of where to begin, start with the Chasing to Attracting love, so you can build trust and confidence that this is the right path for you.

This will also give you a strong foundation if you choose to continue into the Gauntlet

And If you choose to continue, we will apply part of your tuition you spent here, towards a continuation journey into The Gauntlet

How will I know if I’m making progress in the program?

From week 1, the self awareness you will experience will feel really powerful. You will learn soon to regulate your nervous system which will support you to feel more grounded, more at peace, LESS ANXIOUS.

As you continue the journey, you will see for yourself that you are able to make stronger choices to support yourself, and that your desire to repeat older patterns becomes less potent (as long as you stay committed to the work)

You will feel less alone, and a lot more supported, as long as you participate in the community.

Have other people had good results doing this kind of work?

We have worked with THOUSANDS of people across the globe in our various programs. Each of them has left working with us much more successful than they have with most of their therapy, and have learnt what it’s like to truly show up for themselves, more than with many other experiences in their life.

How do I get additional support from the coaches?

This program is online and self paced, designed for you specifically to be able to work as you go and still see results. Live support from the coaches is available in the community support session within the Pilgrimage. However, if you do need to schedule any special 1:1 sessions, they can be arranged with the coaches for a charge.

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